Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to survive the Apocalypse with a smile

The Rapture can happen at any moment. Who knows, I might not even finish this sentence before the faithful are caught up in the air to be with the Lord. If that is the case have no fear, there is still hope, sort of, and thanks to Salem Kirban you can survive the coming tribulation and not end up as a pile of burning flesh when Christ returns. Kriban have written a compelling book that clearly proves that the end is upon us and that it will happen at any moment. Just look at the evidence he presents like “uncivilized music”. So there is no question, this is it, we are one blink away from the rise of the Antichrist. For those unfortunate to be left below there is the Guide to Survival, where you can learn what to avoid, basically everything but a one world religion and a certain number seems to be particularly bad. Also there will be giant scorpions one would do well to avoid. 

So be sure to pick this up before it's to late and remember, if the end was just around the corner in 1968, when it was first published, it must be even closer now.

Salem Kirban is also the author of the novel 666 and the sequel 1000 but most likely the greatest of his works apart from Guide to Survival must be Unlocking Your Bowels for Better Health. 

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